This is a field in which we have been active and have specialized in over the last 30 years. Accidents and illness of crew members or non-crew members on board vessels often require an emergency response from our side to locally monitor the hospitalization and repatriation of the individual to his home country.
Our network throughout France and Africa allows us to attend and provide appropriate assistance to hospitalize the injured/sick person in the best and most appropriate medical facility.
For more information, please visit our dedicated web page:
24/7 +33 4 95 06 11 92
We have successfully handled numerous repatriations of stowaways over the past years, mainly from the West African Coast.
Depending on where the stowaways are discovered (at port or at sea), we provide tailor-made solutions to swiftly disembark the stowaway on a cost effective basis. Disembarkation is sometimes possible at the anchorage with no need for the vessel to berth and thus lose time. In such cases, we organize rental of a launch to pick up the stowaway on board and to bring him/them back ashore.
Our wide network enables us to provide you with a choice of location for disembarkation to be cost and time effective.
24/7 +33 4 95 06 11 92
We carry out stowaway interviews
We obtain temporary travel documents
We organize return flight and escorts
View our prospectus brochure. We provide all contact details for our respective offices. Brochure
Why Choose Our Service Because we are reactive and efficient as a competitive level of fees.
24/7 +33 4 95 06 11 92
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