COVID 19 situation in Benin

The following measures have been taken in order to control the spreading of COVID-19  in Benin:

1-Limitation to the extreme necessity of entering and leaving the land borders of the country. Only essential crossings have been authorized in conjunction with the authorities of neighboring countries. Reinforcement of control measures have been applied for the systematic quarantine of any suspect or anyone who attempts to circumvent the regulations.

2- Restriction on the issue of entry visas to Benin. Some airlines have cancelled flights and AIR FRANCE will only carry passengers with the requisite visa.

3- Systematic and compulsory quarantine of any person coming to Benin by airport or borders towards quarantine centers provided by the government.

4- As from Monday 30th March to 15th April 2020, the movement of persons will be limited and all schools and universities will be closed. Churches and Mosques, sport and cultural centers have already been closed.

In BENIN, there are officially only 5 confirmed cases and any persons in contact with them have been quarantined together in isolation centers.

Cotonou port is still working 24/24 for the moment, vessels still enter the port and continue working but crew changes are not allowed for any vessels alongside or at the anchorage.

Stevedores are advised by the Port Authorities to wear protective gloves and masks and restrict their contact with the crew to the strict minimum – also hands washing from time to time is recommended.

All maritime agencies, banks and government offices are working.

AFRICA P&I Benin office is still working and operational for the moment and staff can also work from home – contact only on their mobile phone numbers.

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